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Jun 29, 2022

Key Qualities of Command Centers That Succeed as Remote-Hybrid

Many companies have shifted from an office-centric culture to a more flexible one as a result of the pandemic. This shift can be felt in the healthcare industry as we see more and more Command Centers shift to a remote-hybrid model. But even for the most collaborative and tech-savvy Command Center teams; advanced planning, ongoing measurements, and secure processes are critical to smooth implementation and continued success. 

Here are three key qualities you’ll need to successfully convert your health system’s Command Center towards a remote-hybrid team.

1. In Operation For At Least Six Months 

Established Command Centers are somewhat better positioned for success with the hybrid model. The team knows each other and operates like a well-oiled machine. If a Command Center is brand new, all employees should work together in-person for at least six months before going remote. This period allows team members to adjust to the software and workflows before doing their jobs from home. 

2. Collaborative Relationship With The IT Department 

Success with the hybrid model depends heavily on technology, so it’s not possible to achieve if the health system’s IT team is not fully on board. Sometimes advocates for a remote option get pushback because IT feels protective of system security. Fortunately, there are solutions to data security concerns surrounding remote work; successful hybrid Command Centers collaborate with their IT teams to find them. 

3. Open Communication Style That Translates To Digital Tools 

Clear and quick communication is the lifeblood of a Command Center. When shifting to a hybrid model, much of this communication happens via online platforms. Command Center team members need to know when to communicate information to colleagues and how to communicate it clearly via these digital tools. Organizations can foster effective communication habits among team members with clearly defined procedures and activities to ensure continued team cohesion. 

Ready To Explore More? 

Every health system is different — in terms of geographic location, patient mix, and technology capabilities — and so the road to hybrid will also be different.   

TeleTracking can assist health systems with all phases of hybrid Command Center planning and implementation. Access The Hybrid Command Center Model white paper to get started.